Fabio Falchi graduated in architecture from IUAV in Venice, specialising in sustainable architecture with a thesis on eco-efficient restoration. During his academic journey, he collaborated with various professional studios, including Guerra Architetti in Montegrotto (PD) and Parisotto & Formenton in Padua, where he was involved in the design of shops and interior architecture.
His sensibility for ecological restoration and sustainable design issues has led him, since 2010, to contribute to the establishment of the LAe Laboratorio di Architettura ecologica, continuing his collaboration with architect Corti. In addition to his design work, he gains significant on-site experience with energy retrofit interventions on historic buildings. Fabio has attended numerous seminars on the energy design of both new and existing structures. . He has been a part of the LAe Laboratorio di Architettura ecologica team since 2010.